Square Meters

Updates from the Construction Site

We thrive to make our projects come true, but they are not ready overnight.
Discover the thorough process that it is to create a luxurious home.


Terms Of Use

Welcome to the “www.tagaurbanic.com” website (hereinafter: the “Site”), owned and managed by Taga Urbanic Investments Management Ltd. (hereinafter: the “Taga Urbanic Group”), mailing address: Pardes Hana 3711401, email: info@tagaurbanic.com.

The Site is a corporate image website, which presents the activities of the Taga Urbanic Group worldwide, and particularly, its activities in Portugal. The Taga Urbanic Group is a real estate development company that specializes in identifying and managing projects and investment groups.

Everything mentioned in these Terms of Use (hereinafter: the “Agreement”) are phrased in the masculine form for convenience only.

Using, visiting and logging into the Site and ordering services via it constitute a confirmation that you have read and agreed to act in accordance with this Agreement, any notice displayed on the Site and services you have ordered via the Site.

You declare and undertake that qualified and competent to enter into this Agreement, and insofar as you place aservice order, you declare that you are at least 16 years of age. If you do not agree to the foregoing, you are not permitted to use the services offered on the Site.

Since the Terms of Use are a binding legal agreement, it is recommended to read them carefully.


“Website” or “Website”–“www.tagaurbanic.com” and/or its representatives and/or its managers and/or Site management and/or anyone acting on its behalf.

“Users” and/or “Customers” refers to website users.

Limited Use License

Subject to your compliance with the terms of this Agreement, you are hereby granted a limited license to use the services offered on the Site.

Insofar as you communicate with the Siteon behalf of another person, you should inform that person regarding the terms of this Agreement and make it clear that he is bound by it.

The Site and/or anyone acting on its behalf do not undertake to maintain information entered into the Site by you, and you hold the sole responsibility for maintaining backing up contents.

It is absolutely prohibited to perform a robotic scan of the Site and/or unreasonably overload its servers.

The Site and/or anyone acting on its behalf shall be entitled to terminate its activity at any time and without prior notice, and there is no undertaking whatsoever regarding the Site’s availability.

You undertake to provide the Site and/or anyone acting on its behalf with correct information and not to mislead, impersonate, defame, violate privacy or act contrary to the law.

Limitation of SiteLiability and Nature of Information

The information on the Site is provided “as is” and we do not guarantee its accuracy or correctness.

The Site receives information from third parties and publishes it without conducting a review.

All contents presented on the Site express the personal opinion of the writer, which is not the Site, and do not constitute a recommendation, advice or opinion, and do not constitute a substitute of any kind for professional consultation. Regarding any legal and/or professional matter and/or suspicion of such a matter, please contact the competent persons; do not rely on the Site and on the information contained therein.

The Site contains marketing information and there may be errors or inaccuracies in the information presented.

The Site may contain links to other websites. These links do not imply anything in connection with the content or reliability of other websites. The Site shall not be responsible for information or services appearing on other websites.

The Site reserves the right to change, remove and omit details from any content uploaded to the Site.

The Site and/or anyone acting on its behalf shall not be responsible for malfunctions caused by a cyber-security attack, force majeure, intentional/unintentional malfunction, hostile action, war, terrorist act, natural disasters, malfunctions related to clearing companies, and any reason of any kind that are not stemming from or caused by the Site activity, in both action and omission.

It is clarified that any investment, acquisition or transfer of funds to a third party is a speculative action that involvesfinancial risks, including investment loss.

The contents of the Site do not constitute an offer and/or an invitation to invest in any corporation and/or grant funding to any corporation. The information and documents appearing on the Site do not constitute a “public offering” as this term is defined in the Securities Law, 5728-1968 (hereinafter: the “Securities Law”), and should securities be offered, they will be offered and sold subject to restrictions set out in Section 15A(a)(4) of the Securities Law regarding the identity or number of investors.The Taga Urbanic Group reserves the sole discretion to accept or reject an investment offer made by an investor, in whole or in part. The foregoing does not constitute a promise to join any investment and/or guarantee an income and/or return of principal, and the Taga Urbanic Group is not responsible for and/or does not guarantee in any way to return the principal to investors and/or provide them with any profits resulting from their investments. The transactions presented on the website are examples of completed investments, and the information contained therein is in accordance with the provisions of the law. All of the above is subject to the articles of association and rules of the Taga Urbanic, which are specified on the Company’s Site and in its offices.

Intellectual Property Ownership

You undertake to respect the copyright and/or intellectual property and/or other rights under any law in connection with the Site and/or users and refrain from harming and/or modifying and/or tampering with content on the Site or violating any third party rights.

All rights and/or intellectual property published on the Site are owned by the Site and protected by law, including the accounts, headlines, computer code, subject, objects, characters, names, stories, dialogues, key sentences, locations, ideas, artistic representations , animations, sounds, musical compositions, image and audio effects, operating methods, customer lists, market segmentation, user lists, graphics, data provided by users, etc.

It is presumed that the contents of the Site are exclusively owned by the Site, unless accompanied by a logo or trademark of another entity.

Any copying, photocopying, translation, storage in a database, transmission or reception in any other way, by any electronic, optical, mechanical or any other means, unauthorized commercial use, in whole or in part, and/or creating a product derived from the contents are strictly prohibited and constitute, inter alia, a criminal offense, a contractual and civil wrong.

The Information on the Website

The information on the website, including the models, simulations and plans ("the information on the website") is presented for illustrative purposes only and its presentation does not constitute any commitment or promise from the company.

Only what is detailed in the company's official agreements and sales contracts will be considered binding representations on the part of the company, in accordance with the provisions therein.

The company is not responsible for inaccuracies, or mistakes made in relation to the information on the website and in any case does not guarantee that the models, simulations, plans, etc. presented on the website (both in relation to the appearance or design of the apartments and/or the buildings and in relation to the environment and external development) will be similar or reflect the visibility or quality of the projects in reality.

The information contained on the website is informative and descriptive only. Accordingly, the user is aware and agrees that any reliance on such information is done at his sole responsibility and in accordance with his discretion and undertakes that he will not have any claim, claim or demand against the company in respect of the above and/or the use of the website.

It is hereby clarified that the company will not bear any responsibility and will not be responsible for any damage, inconvenience, loss, etc., for those indirect and/or direct results that will be caused to users of the website and/or to their property and/or to any third party as a result of reliance and/or use of information on the website.

Report Abuse

Should you encounter any abuse of the Site, incorrect or offensive publication or any other illegal action, please contact the webmaster at info@tagaurbanic.comand report accordingly.

Updating the Terms of the Contract

The Site reserves the right to update the above terms from time to time at its sole discretion and without prior notice.

Any change shall be binding as of the date on which it is published on the Site.


You undertake to indemnify the Site and/or anyone acting on its behalf in connection with any claim, lawsuit, loss,damage, loss of profit, payment or expense incurred by it, including actual legal fees and attorney’s fees, due to your breach of these Terms of Use or any law as a result of using the Site.

In any event, should you breach these Terms of Use, the Site will be entitled to disclose your name and details available to it, as part of any legal proceedings, even if no court order is provided regarding the matter.

Place of Jurisdiction

Any disputes between the customer/user/buyer shall be handled by a competent court in Porto, Portugal only, in accordance with the Portuguese law only.

Messages to the Site and submission of legal documents

Any message to the Site and/or the submission of legal documents to the Site shall be deemed to have been delivered only upon their actual receipt with a delivery confirmation at Pardes Hanna 3711401, email: info@tagaurbanic.com.

Submission of documents by registered mail or by attaching them to the front door at the address specified in the user’s ID card shall be deemed a proper submission, even if the recipient does not permanently reside at this address.

A mail or legal document sent to the address of the recipient as specified in his ID card shall be listed on his / her identity card shall be deemed a proper submission within 5 business days as of sending.

Privacy Policy

You hereby authorize the Site and/or anyone acting on its behalf to send advertising offers as stated in Section 30A of the Communications Law (Telecommunications and Broadcasts), 5742-1982, in connection with subjects presented on the Site and any other subjects. If you do not wish to receive marketing contents, please send a message to the email address specified in this Agreement, stating that you are not interested to receive messages.

It is hereby clarified that the Site may use any information provided by you or collected in the course of your use of the Site, for marketing and/or commercial purposes and/or for the purpose of service adjustment.

The Site shall transfer any information provided to it to the competent authority in accordance with the law, should a liability to do so be imposed on it by law.

In the course of using the Site, it may collect private personal information about you (such as, but not limited to your name, contact details, email address, telephone number, etc.) and non-private information (such as, but not limited to the type of device, operating system, browser, etc.).

The Site shall use the collected information in accordance with the provisions of this policy or any law, for the following purposes:
- To enable a user-tailored experience.
- To improve the Site or service, e.g. we may use feedback from users.
- To handle disputes.
- To handle technical issues.
- To send periodic emails should the user choose to receive them.
- To carry out any other activity permitted to the company under any law.

You hereby grant the Site permission to maintain the information provided by you in the Site’s database, for the purpose of sending marketing offers regarding the Site and/or other.

Clicking on the “Contact Us” button followed by filling in the required customer details (including name, telephone number, etc.) in the relevant fields will allow the municipality to contact the customer directly via the aforementioned details.

The Siteputs insignificant efforts to preserve and secure the information, but cannot guarantee with certainty that the information will be immune and will not be exposed to unauthorized access. By using the Site, you confirm that you are aware of these restrictions and agree to use the Site.